Data Map
The map below visualizes the sounds that I heard during a walk along the Boston Fens. On my walk, I observed the qualities of different sounds, such as their source and volume, and created a systematic visual language for displaying them on a map. The creation of this map helped reveal the value of understanding experience through qualitative data collection, while giving interesting insights of a geographical location at a specific moment in time.​​​​​​​
Data Portrait
Using data from a survey that I sent out to my Information Design classmates, I designed a data portrait, consisting of several small multiples, that shows the music-listening habits of my peers and how these habits relate to their productivity. I collected and visualized several pieces of information, including students' most listened-to genres, how long they listen to music in a day, and how they felt listening to music while studying. The small multiples are inspired by the appearance of vinyl records. I designed an extensive key for reading each student's portrait and placed them in rows depending on the average volume at which each person listened to music. 
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